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This is a 6 week online training programme for Females who have not trained in a gym before and want a safe introduction to weight training. This programme is if your goal is to gain muscle over time or to start using weight training as a part of your fitness regime.


The programme uses a 5 days / week programme of 3 lower body days and 2 upper body days. The major lifts are used, and exercises utilise the basics found in most gyms.


What you get is access to an individual live spreadsheet on Google with your training sessions planned out for 6 weeks. All aspects of all workouts can be recorded here. There are also a number of health, physical and lifestyle measures that are tracked on the spreadsheet. MAPHS training programmes are setting you up for a lifestyle transformation, not just a simple set of exercises!


You also get:

* an individualised macros / calories target

* daily / weekly NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) targets (daily steps)

* weekly progressions in the programme 

* a full workout guide with exercises, sets, reps, exercise tempo and training intensity all charted

* warmup guide

* a 20 page introduction to weight training and how to use the programme

* exercise instruction, tips and cues

* membership of a Private Facebook Group for more support

* room to record weight, physical measurements and photos

* room to record other exercise activity eg cardio work

Female 3 days lower body / 2 days upper body per week

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