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My 30kg weightloss journey

Look at that pic on the left. That's me weighing in at 120kg. And don't I look terrible! I had slowly let myself go and didn't realise how bad a shape I had gotten into.

And then I had an ultrasound for a health issue that showed I had a fatty liver. That was my wakeup call! I knew I had to do something. About that time, I met somebody who helped with some diet planning, and I also started to work out harder in the gym.

It was hard work, especially as the diet plan involved some intermittent fasting. That was hard at first but I knew it was something I had to do. The payoff was watching the numbers on the scale go down week by week.

32 weeks later, I was the pic on the right. 90kg and no fatty liver. I looked a different person. I felt better. (And I had to wear different shorts as my first pair were too big to stay on me!)

The journey wasn't easy, but I showed up everyday for myself and for future me. There were difficult times and setbacks, but they were dealt with and overcome.

So as a Health Coach, I have "been there, done that" and know how difficult the journey can be. So I am here to help you with your journey. I want to see you lose weight and grow as a person, and become the healthiest, best version of you possible. Having a Health Coach in your corner to guide you through the process, the ups and downs, and to help keep you on track can be invaluable in reaching your goals.

If you are ready to take the first step to a fitter, healthier you, reach out via the contact form and start the process to becoming a better you.

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